Monday, December 20, 2010

Finally into the 2nd trimester :)

I have finally reached the best part of a pregnancy for me... the 2nd trimester! The 1st trimester was full of LOTS of nausea but I'm already noticing a drop in that now that I'm 13 weeks pregnant. I still get some nausea if I stay up to late at night. All of my pregnancies have been that way. I am looking forward to feeling a bit more energized now. Wyatt has had a horrible cough that has been causing us some rough nights so I'm not feeling all that extra energy yet but I know it's right around the corner.

Over the next few months I want to start getting the nursery ready for our new baby. We are moving our nursery into a small room right off of our bedroom which is currently an office/storage room but we've got our work cut out for us. When we put our house on the market we packed up a bunch of stuff... toys, extra kitchen stuff, ect. Well when we got that all out of storage we put it into that room. Little by little I know I'll get through all the "stuff" and get rid of some of it to make room for that baby.

I already know I want to do an owl themed nursery. I LOVE owls!! They are just so cute! My husband doesn't quite understand why I love them so much but they are just so darling. Depending on the sex of the baby will affect the design of the nursery. My best friend Summer who is an incredible artist is going to help me design it and paint some cute things for the room. I'm going to make some things too. I have the cutest owl fabric I've been holding onto but it will only work if this baby is a girl. I still am leaning towards thinking this is a girl. I can't wait to get started on the nursery. Below is an inspiration owl pillow for the room (Target has the most adorable owl stuff)... (I like the cute owls that are like these the best).


Christy said...

I am in love with all things whimsical!! I want to use the Target owl set too. Pottery Barn Kids has a set that is 2 or 3x as much. Can't wait to see you and your cute self tomorrow.

Quiana said...

SO excited that you're doing owls as your nursery theme! I have the perfect thing to make for you. Can't wait for Baby McGee!

David, Julie, Dakota, Emma, Wyatt, and Abbie said...

Christy I had a great time hanging out and having lunch combined with a little shopping. :) I am so much more relaxed today thanks to our kid free time out. :)

Q can't wait to see what you are going to make for the new baby! :) I love homemade gifts. :)