Monday, April 30, 2007

My little peanut McGee is moving =)

Just a little update on my little peanut... I began feeling he or she move about a week ago! I love this milestone at it makes the pregnancy feel real! I also had the neastest thing happen that didn't in my other 2 pregnancies.... I could feel something in the left side of my tummy and when I pushed in I could feel a round thing... the baby! It was so awesome because the baby was so tiny and I could feel this roundnes like the size of a golfball but a little bigger! David and I both have been very excited about these new changes! I'm 15 weeks along and we'll all get to hear the heartbeat at my appt. on Wednesday! Dakota said the other day... I can't wait to hear the baby's heartbeat! =)

1 comment:

Judith and Lance said...

How exciting! I remember those first moves, it was SO fun!